About Us

Assist a Child To School UK (ACTS UK) is a charity registered in Scotland that has been working to improve access to education in Kenya for over 20 years.


ACTS provides disadvantaged young people with educational opportunities that might otherwise be denied to them. We recognise education as a basic human right and one of the most powerful tools in fighting poverty.


By adopting a hands-on approach with our local partner, Kids League Kenya, we ensure that our students' progress is closely monitored. Project staff interact regularly with students, parents and schools to ensure that any problems that the child might be experiencing, that could inhibit their education, are discussed and resolved, wherever possible.


ACTS originally focused on the sponsorship of individual primary pupils but the introduction of government funding of school places and continued generous support from our donors have allowed our scope to grow considerably over the last few years.


We now continue to support students through Secondary and Tertiary level education in addition to a programme of Primary School Support.


Our Mission

To advance and promote education amongst children and young persons who are resident in the coastal region of Kenya and are unable to meet the cost of such education.


Our Vision

A system in which young people are supported to dedicate themselves to fully achieving their educational potential.